さて、あすなろ国際学園もお陰さまで、2011年には15周年を迎えることとなりました。この間、Palisades ParkからCloster へ移転をして、国際学園としての校舎も整い本格的インターナショナルスクールとしての準備も整いました。本格的なインターナショナルスクールをめざすには、日本人のお子様だけではなく、アメリカ人を始め多数の国籍のお子様が一緒に同席して学んだほうが、子供たちが異文化に目覚め、自然な外国語学習につながります。国際学園がめざす、音楽、科学、言語、国際性を大事に幼児期に育む理想的な環境を備えた学園になるために、日本語、日本文化を大事にしながらもインタナショナルな学校として進化していくことが急務となりました。
そこで、いよいよ2010年9月から、あすなろ国際学園の名前を、英語名に統一して、International Academy of Arts and Science –IAAS と一本化して、インターナショナルスクールとしていくことに理事会で決定いたしましたので此処にお知らせ申し上げます。
また、土曜日の日本語スクール、アフタースクールも更に充実させて、コミュ二ティーの一員として、International Academy of Arts and Science- IAASが発展していくようにスタッフ一同頑張っていきたいと思いますので、保護者の皆様方のご理解とご協力を何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。 IAASの実現のために、正式に 新しい職員として、 Patricia Dominguez先生がAssistant Director/Administratorとして採用されました。先生は現在夏休みのESLの先生としても活躍されておられますが、アメリカ人のコミュ二ティーをIAASへご紹介する牽引力としてすでに力を発揮してくださっています。また、IAASの新しいWebsiteも出来上がりましたのでご覧ください。
保護者の皆様方には、是非お友達にInternational Academy of Arts and Science -IAASの新しいNewsをお知らせくださいませ。
International Academy of Arts and Science-IAAS
学園長 山本 薫
Dear Asunaro Parents:
Fifteen years ago, Asunaro Kokusai Gakuen, or Acorn Children’s Corner, was established in New Jersey as a sister school of Greenwich Kokusai Gakuen, or Wideworld Children's Corner. Together these two schools have been educating children of Japanese heritage for more than twenty years. Four years ago, Asunaro moved to Closter, NJ and now occupies a large, modern school building. It has been our goal to fill this beautiful facility to capacity with happy, eager children learning and growing in the Asunaro tradition.
In order to accomplish this goal, and to celebrate our 15th anniversary in New Jersey, Asunaro will open its doors and hearts to the Northern New Jersey community at large. Our neighborhood is home to a widely diverse multi-cultural population, affording us the opportunity to become a true international center of early childhood education. To better reflect this new identity, we will now use the name International Academy of Arts and Science, or IAAS.
It is our hope that IAAS will quickly establish its identity as a multi-cultural, multi-lingual education center, serving both Japanese-American families and the wider international community of Northern New Jersey. We will continue to offer bilingual classes, ESL and Saturday Japanese language school in the Asunaro tradition you have grown to know and trust. In addition to day care, preschool and Kindergarten, IAAS will soon be a hub of after-school enrichment classes for children of all ages. We will also provide extended day care services to our neighborhood working families.
This change will be a wonderful opportunity for your children as well as our new students. Starting this September, we will be enhancing our traditional curriculum of art, music, dance, math and science with a program designed to familiarize our students with the cultures of children around the world. We will focus on family life, toys, games, music, dance, language, and food. We will study a different country every two weeks and will end with our traditional Friday cooking party, preparing and eating a dish or meal native to that country. Each student will have the opportunity to share and celebrate his or her own native country or family heritage. We will also consult our school families, neighborhood churches and cultural centers for opportunities to host guests, such as singers or dancers, who will share their knowledge and experiences from their own country. This international curriculum, together with our international student body, will set IAAS apart from all other early education centers and help us succeed and grow in the next decade.
To help facilitate these new developments, I have employed Patricia Dominguez as Assistant Director/Administrator of IAAS. I hope you will all give her your support and cooperation and will help spread the word to friends and neighbors from all cultures that IAAS is the best and most unique early childhood education experience available anywhere.
Kaoru Yamamoto
Director, IAAS