ようこそあすなろ国際学園IAASのブログへ! あすなろ国際学園IAASは、コロナウイルスによる影響により、2020年6月19日を持ちまして閉園する運びとなりました。 皆様の温かなサポートには心より感謝申し上げます。 またいつかお会いできるその日まで・・・。
Just another IAAS day!!!!:)
The children had a great day today. We carried on with our work in our classrooms. We got to play outside. The children had fun looking for bugs and running around. We also had our Teacher Appreciation lunch for our staff today. The parents made all sorts of GREAT,WONDERFUL dishes for us!!!!! IT WAS ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH FOR THE GREAT FOOD AND FOR YOUR KINDNESS AND APPRECIATION! We are truly greatful and gracious to have such great parents and children at our school.