
A creative day in the Flamingo B

Circle time in the morning.
We sing 1 Japanese, 1 English song every morning!
WOW, they sound great.

We are very excited because today we are helpers!!
In Japanese, it is called お当番!

We are telling them "Today is February Seventh, Thursday, 2013, the weather is sunny!"

Then we had Hiragana/ABC practice.
We all know all letters now.

This is "S"!!

Today, we learned "P".
So...we made penguins.

Which bow should I choose???


Then we learned the country Madagascar. 
We made a chameleon.
The teacher is explaining how to mix multiple different colors. 

Red, yellow, blue, white...

 WOW, beautiful job!

Oh wow, yellow and blue = green!

We made so many different colors by mixing 4-5 colors.

Then lunch time!
Helpers are leading our lunch song.
Today's helpers sang great...

 Tomorrow will be snowing.
We may close school if the condition could cause any danger.
We will announce our decision through the emergency automated call system and this blog.
